I love fashion blogs.
I read several, I'm always clicking through pins to one fashion blog to another. I get drawn in by pics of great causal outfits, coloured jeans, bright print scarves, funky tights, great shoes, boots - oh the boots get me every time.
I have a few faves too:
The first blog that I ready every single time she posts is Sarah's Real Life
found at: www.sarahsreallife.wordpress.com - in case the link doesn't work
Sarah posts great outfits that are totally wearable. She's funny, engaging, and has a unique and funky sense of style that really appeals to me.
Then there's my gateway blog (the one that got me into it all) which is Sidewalk Ready
found at: www.sidewalkready.com - in case the link doesn't work
Kayley Heeringa is a style maven (IMHO) who has an awesome sense of style, she puts things together that I probably would never have thought of. Plus - she's a hair stylist and her hubby is a photographer, so her pics are always awesome. Jealousy inducingly awesome, but totally inspirational.
And then my go-to Canadian girl Karen Ward over at Curvy Canadian
found at: www.curvycanadian.blogspot.ca - in case the link doesn't work
Karen's awesome because she's curvy (like me) though she's a petite gal, so I have to consider adopting her style sense for someone of a taller height like myself, but she shops at stores that are here in Canada, so I have an easier time seeking out her style finds here at home.
All. Awesome. Fashion. Blogs.
And there are sooooo many more. ga-jillions of them. But there's one blog that I keep searching for that I can never quite find. A blog for a woman like me.
See - these ladies, as awesome as they are (and they ARE), aren't Moms. They don't have goober-faced toddlers rubbing their snotty noses and sticky fingers up the side of your tights 2.8 milliseconds after you put them on. They don't have to carry a purse that's big enough to fit a wallet, envelope system, dayplanner, small toiletry bag, makeup case, diapers, wipes, napkins, bandaids and more. I look back and I think, before I was a Mommy I was fairly fashionable (not as fashionable as THESE ladies - but not too bad). And now that my monthly budget stretches beyond me, the hubs and our needs to include two kiddos who grow at the speed of light and have super-fabric-staining ability, my opportunity to drop $50 plus on any one item of clothing is... well... nil.
So I'm looking for a mom-fashion-blogger. One who's got a funky sense of style like me (and doesn't think that it's okay to wear beige every day - it's not, btw), who goes for the brightest, boldest colour and pattern in the store - but that store better be Walmart, or Zellers, or have a mega sale going on (and that Momma-blogger better have a coupon in her hand and a loyalty card in her wallet) or, like me - she ain't buying.
And I haven't found her yet. So, for now, I'm going to ATTEMPT to fill in the gap. See - one of the things I decided after my rather harrowing experience in June was that I'm going to take a little more time to focus on me. That means not allowing myself to get up every day and put on another pair of yoga pants and a hoodie and put my hair in a ponytail and schlump out the front door. Let's be honest - it's not a great look.
And sometimes I can look like this:
(Blazer: Ricki's/T-shirt: Ricki's/Skinny Jeans: Addition-Elle/Scarf: Ricki's)
(Ill fitting jeans: who knows?/Awesomely comfy but not so stylish sweatshirt: Muskoka BearWear/Camera bag: Henry's/Moose Antlers: Science North)
Now - I'm not going to say that I'll dress myself decently every single day... there will be sweatpant days. There always are. But on most days, I'm gonna get up and try and get "dressed" and if I can do it (and on the cheap, because that's how I like to do everything - on the cheap) then maybe I can help some other Mama languishing in her joe-fresh yoga pants and grey maternity sweatshirt (and she's not even prego) to say - "Hey! If Tea can do it, then so can I!"
So - starting this week I'm going to start a feature here called "What Mama Wears". I'll do my best to take pics of outfits that are my best dressed days. I'll try and keep track of where the items come from and their prices (if I can remember... but let's be honest, probably not). And just maybe some Mama out there will one day put me on her fave-fashion-blogger list. Or not. But it gives me something to write about. Y'know... other than tea. But I can't promise I won't wear a pony-tail....
Thanks for your sweet comments about my blog! I'm glad you like it so much...I'm blushing. And I don't know if you've already seen this one, but one blog I read is Penny Pincher Fashion. She's a mom, although her outfits are so nice (and often involve heels) that I can't help but wonder if she really wears them all day around her kids.
ReplyDeleteSarah's Real Life
Sarah, I totally love your blog! Actually I hope more people head over your way and read it too because it's super fun and awesome.
ReplyDeleteI have checked out Penny Pincher fashion before... unfortunately she's in the states, which makes it hard for me to find comparable pieces here... plus - honestly there's no way you wear heels all day when you have kids. If she does, then she must have a side gig as super-woman, because, honestly...
Hopefully I can share my bargain bin finds and ideas, and mostly heel-less fashions as well and just throw my wee-little wanna-be fashionista voice into the mix!